Modified Edge Rules

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Modified Edge Rules

Post by Kyle »

Edge Rules - Slightly modified and explained.

At the beginning of a game session or major combat session your character starts with Edge equal to your Edge amount. So if your edge is 3 you start with 3. You can gain up to 7 edge total at anytime during combat, you can never go above that. At the end of a combat session if you only have 2 edge, that now is your carry over edge to the next initiative during the same major combat/battle. You can only carry edge in the amount of your edge score between combats. If your edge is 4 and you have 7 saved, only 4 carries over.

Each round of combat you can earn a max total of 2 edge only. Unless your augments specify otherwise, or the GM grants option 4- See below.

You can gain edge 4 ways.

1. Combat - Happens during your attack and when you defend only. Advantage to Attacker if attack rating is > 4 greater then defense rating. Advantage to defender if Defense rating is > 4 then attacker rating. 1 Edge Gained.

2. Compare situational advantage. Happens at top of the round. Does one side have an obvious tactical advantage? Both attackers and defenders do this at beginning of rounds. If there is no obvious advantage, no edge is awarded. This may change at the beginning of each round. If the difference is only 1 or 2 points, we will declare it a tie for that round. If you have an obvious advantage - 1 Edge Gained.

Examples of situational advantage:
You have the high ground.
Your side dug into defense.
You surprised/ambushed the enemy.
Better vision/sound qualities. Low light, thermal, sonar, hearing, etc.
Your party has greater numbers.
Magical assistance- varies

Examples of disadvantage:
You are firing at an unknown enemy.
Enemy above you, or at a nearly impossible to see angle.
You are in an open field/hallway with no way to hide.
You have been surprised.
You are outnumbered greatly.
You are unable to see/hear/smoke filled area.
You are magically hindered.

3. Augments and Weapons can give you edge. This will be situational.

4. Your last combat round you did something amazing. This is up to the GM, but ask if you did something cool enough. 1 Edge Gained. This can be on top of the 2 edge max per round, for a total gain of 3.
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Re: Modified Edge Rules

Post by Dave »

Is armor only used in the "Distribute Edge" part of combat?

The text (pg 105) doesn't specifically say so, but the example on pg 106 (under Step Two) uses armor to modify the defenders defense rating.

Kind of weird that armor doesn't apply to damage soaking, but whatever.
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Re: Modified Edge Rules

Post by Kyle »

Yes its mostly to prevent edge to your attacker. Which seems odd but prevents turtle's like could happen in previous editions. Soaking 15 damage per combat. Etc.

Armor will have its uses though. Dont go armorless to forget about edge priority.
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Re: Modified Edge Rules

Post by rgl2112 »

So I guess I shouldn't just put on a mankini and call it a session....
By Karamaka's Will
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Re: Modified Edge Rules

Post by Kyle »

That's your call... it will have other benefits wearing armor. **ominous silence**
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