Character Creation Notes

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Character Creation Notes

Post by Kyle »

One major item for this game- DO NOT discuss your characters CLASS OR HISTORY/BACKGROUND before the game. This is story related. You can discuss ANYTHING else, but your class and history is secret. You also do not know each other, or have ever seen/met before.

If you end up with 5 rogues, or swashy's its fine, you will still be an effective party. You wont need the perfect party buildout for this campaign. You can talk about what you may do, but your final decisions please keep it secret.

Character Level - 3

Class restrictions - None - but you need to know the details of your class, thats not my job to keep track of your stuff

Character Race restrictions - Only two - No Githyanki or Plasmoid. Medium Size cap on size though (we can work that out) There are a TON of options.
Additional monstrorus races:
- Guardinal - Animalistic creatures from Celestia (Dog, Cat, Eagle, Mouse, bipedal horse, etc)
- Githzerai - Not necessarily psionic
- Modron
- Aasimar
- Tiefling
- Genasai
- Bariaur
- Thri-kreen - praying mantis things
- AutoGnomes - Automaton gnomes
- Giff - Hippo people

Character Stats - You will roll 4d6 drop 1. You can do this up to 3 times and choose the best array you have rolled. Please note your ORIGINAL rolls, non modified by Race/Class/Magic on your sheets. This must be done in person/zoom.

Rules for the characters.
1. Create a basic background/history.
2. Be from Sigil, The Outlands, or an area used to planar travel.
3. No Chaotic Evil, but any other alignment is fine.
4. You get standard starting gear, 150gp to spend on common items, and 1 uncommon magic item (DM discression)
5. You must have a backpack - story dependant.
6. Each of you will recieve private instructions on whats needed prior to game day 0.
7. If you die, you will have the option to play a new character, BUT that character will start at level 3 with same restrictions as listed above, no matter what level the rest of the party is at.
8. All characters speak, read, and write common - unless you are mute for a reason. Yes even Barb's.
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Re: Character Creation Notes

Post by Kyle »

Make your character fully then answer the following questions - This does NOT play into your characters creation/background. This is to be done POST character creation.

This is for DM use/knowledge only, not the other PC's.

Using your character sheet and information you already created answer the following questions.

1. What is the greatest decision or turning point in your characters life? If you made a different decision how would your or others lives be different?

2. What is something you wish you could change about yourself? How would the best version of you be different from you?

3. What is your signature posession or physical trait? What would you retain no matter what happened in your life?
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Re: Character Creation Notes

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Re: Character Creation Notes

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Re: Character Creation Notes

Post by Kyle »

If you are from the city of Sigil. You gain the following skill and additional language choice.

Knowledge Sigil +5
With the option to become proficient in this skill over time/use.

Language choice: Dabus

Other characters will get a bonus based on location you are from.
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