Piles of heads are scattered here and there. The bodies of soldiers still in their armor impaled on giant wooden stakes are a common sight. Flocks of crows feast on the dead. Occasionally there is the sight of bugbears brutalizing some luckless survivor here and there.
It’s a casual kind of horror. An army of Evil has descended on this town and it shows. The city has been under control of the Horde of the Fireaxe for about 48 hours. The crows feast...
This is the result of your work in Sagentown just over a year ago. Drink it in.

The squares are mostly empty of the living and are quiet. Stores and taverns have been ransacked, glass shattered and doors smashed.
Two notable exceptions:
The local Goya's is a white box on the inside, and all of the signage is gone. The only thing left are signs that say "No Trespassing, Property of Goya's of Deeploch, Inc."
The local Royal Digs is intact and is being protected by a mercenary squad made of Armadon troopers who are supported by Children mages. The only challenge against them was on the first night when a squad of Fire giants found out. The rest of the horde has given this place a wide berth since then.
The Horde is well fed and are feeling pretty good. They savor this victory, but know the hardest fighting is yet to come. They are mostly resting in preparation. But they got to get their jollies on. They are having fun being Evil. Try it out! They tend to be fueled by booze and speedy drugs so there's that.
Outside of the camps it is pretty quiet. There are few survivors left. Manassas was a bustling trade center before the horde arrived. While some survivors are just trying to get out, others may be motivated to stay for whatever reason seems important enough to them. Hide and Seek.
The Forsaken can build rep by making a display of being the MFing Forsaken. The horde will eat it up. They remember Everard. They have heard the stories from the survivors of the invasion of the Vale. You guys are their heroes.
The Forsaken and their minions are all showing their colors. The hoard knows who you are and won't cross you. Mistakes could still happen.