Who- 8am-4pm- 4pm-Midnight- Midnight-8am
Amadeus- Chill at map- Rest- Commune+Map
Xander- Rest- Down time research- Eyes from sanctum
Picket- Map- Sanctum- Rest
Pretor- Rest- Map- Down time research
Valek- Sanctum- Down time research Rest
Grim- ——Sanctum——
Tim- ——Guarding Valin——
Amadeus commune- is an attack imminent in the next 24 hours? Is an attack imminent in the next 48 hours? Is an attack imminent in the next 72 hours.
The Forsaken’s Day
The Forsaken’s Day
kyle wrote:The party then goes full retard
Re: The Forsaken’s Day
9am every morning-conference up with Pretor and Readyrock in the Sanctum.
kyle wrote:The party then goes full retard
Re: The Forsaken’s Day
8am-4pm shift- Valek & Pickett
4pm-midnight- Pretor & Grim
midnight-8am- Xander & Amadeus
H+V patrolling Horn, and in 3-13
4pm-midnight- Pretor & Grim
midnight-8am- Xander & Amadeus
H+V patrolling Horn, and in 3-13
kyle wrote:The party then goes full retard