The Lord-Abbot’s Journal

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The Lord-Abbot’s Journal

Post by Dave »

With the death of Sulimein, the first inhabitant of the Vale, Blessed Ara Mathra has retreated to the Sanctuary and called forth a conflagration no mortal nor devil nor even angel can cross. I know there are those that believe that this reveals him a coward. But I know the truth. He must survive or all is lost.

If even one of the Sacred Flames survive, then all can be rekindled. The Order of St. Marcelius will weather this storm and emerge all the stronger for it.

No one suffers more than he. I see this. He agonizes that that he must remain here and guard the Undying Flame. Cowardice? Hah! Who amongst us is strong enough to do what he does now? It would be base anger that drives him to slay the evil doers that assault us. Instead he has taken the victory from them! They cannot win. The slaughter in the Vale has earned them nothing but damnation. Only a saint could pierce the flame!

I’ve harried here too long. Soon the ghost martyrs will rise, and I will take back the Vale of Valtaerna. Beware Forsaken! Beware you sons of darkness! I come for you!
kyle wrote:The party then goes full retard
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