Ask Leather Jane Anything! And Communes Too!

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Ask Leather Jane Anything! And Communes Too!

Post by Dave »

You guys have six days to cast Communes, Contact Other Planes, Divine Intervention, etc.

And pump Leather Jane for information.

Seeing as there is a Dragon (and you are Not) involved, you might want to consider this.
kyle wrote:The party then goes full retard
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Re: Ask Leather Jane Anything! And Communes Too!

Post by rgl2112 »

Divine interventions. I will cast it once each day so I have 4 cast left. If I succeed, I won't be able to cast it after the successful check, so if I succeed, here's what I would do:

Assuming I am visited by Karamaka, I would ask for her to grant me the ability to give my party a special blessing in her name to protect us from damage by acid attacks in our greatest time of need in "however many days" it will be when we face the dragon.

Too much? Not enough? Acid and elemental damage, lol. Or immunity? Ok, Acid would be enough. But immunity to acid damage would be great! Halfling rambles, I will let her decide the power upon which she allows me to give this blessing.

ok, now for Communes:

Day 1:
Are the three consorts together on the island? No

Are the three consorts friendly to each other? Yes

Will Setia Swims-the-Sea-of-Stars be the first consort we meet once we are off the boat? There is no response.

Is Setia Swims-the-Sea-of-Stars vulnerable to fire damage? No

Is Shakti Shobhana the Redeemed protected by being damaged by fire? No

Is Sakura Yoshimune of the Toshigami from the plane of air? No

Day 2:
If we injure any of the consorts, will Eiramanthus immediately know?

If we kill a consort, will Eiramanthus immediately know?

If we kill a consort, will the other consorts immediately know?

Leather Jane:
which consort usually greets you on the island after the labyrinth?

Day 3:
Is there something on the island that gives Eiramanthus more power?

Could we weaken Eiramanthus by destroying something on the island?

Will Eiramanthus know when we set foot on the island?

Day 4:

Is there something on the island that grants protection to it's inhabitants?

Is there something in the dragon's lair that provides protection for it's inhabitants?

Does setting foot on the island cause us to be noticed by it's inhabitants?

Holding off on this for answers to the above....many may be "Unknown" but wanted to get some questions out.
By Karamaka's Will
Jack Hollingsworth
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Re: Ask Leather Jane Anything! And Communes Too!

Post by Jack Hollingsworth »

Is the Consort Sakura a dragon?no

~an elemental?no

~ a humanoid?no

~ a fiend?no

~a giant?no


Day 3

Does Eiramanthus have any enemies that are not evil Dragons? Yes

Is Consort Sakura a being from a specific outer plane? No

Is she a construct? No

~a Fey creature? Yes

Has Leather Jane lied to us? No

Day 4

Have the Forsaken previously encountered any of these non evil dragon enemies of Eiramanthus? No

Will we encounter possible assistance on the island to help us defeat Eiramanthus? No

Are there entities being kept against their will on the island? No

Does the dragon keep a great traditional hoard of treasure at the island? Yes

Is Leather Jane in immediate danger because of her accepting our charter? Possibly

Day 5

Is there any hindrance to our teleporting to the island? Possibly

Is there a permanent teleportation circle located on the island? No

Is there any hindrance to any other kind of planar travel to the island? Possibly

Is it likely that Chargammon will not hold to our agreement if we manage to kill Eiramanthus? No, he'll do what he said

Do we have at least a month before Chargammon completes his dracolich rituals? Yes
Last edited by Jack Hollingsworth on Tue Oct 03, 2023 9:00 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: Ask Leather Jane Anything! And Communes Too!

Post by Jonathan »

Will the consorts or Arimtathreas know if persons of ill intent are with 10 nautical miles of the island

5 miles, No

1 Mile No
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Re: Ask Leather Jane Anything! And Communes Too!

Post by Jonathan »

Is there something about the island that would adversely affect the dragon? No

If yes-

Is the island a volcano? No

Will Valak survive this fight? maybe.

Day 4 for Jonathan:

Is anyone else visiting the island at this time?

Do any other creatures other than the dragon and the consorts live on the island?

Do the consorts hang out together regularly?
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Re: Ask Leather Jane Anything! And Communes Too!

Post by Jonathan »

Do the the consorts think that Aramaithreas would be interested the book of the star charts.

Anything we possess?
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