50000gp in coin/trade bar, mostly gold
25000gp in various gems
3 chests full of silverware and silver dishes of all types, all with a lunar motif. There is a note that says “For Lunaria, my Princess of the Moon- E”- positively exquisite craftsmanship- 5000gp
Golden idol of a fat, demonic figure with ruby eyes- 5000gp
Set of book holding 1000 gold coins, no two alike- 1000gp
Non-magical rug-1000gp
Chest full of board games from across the planes- 2000gp
A largish bottle rack full of wines and spirits (100 bottles) from across the planes- ?gp
Very fine jewelry box (1000gp) containing 2 necklaces, each worth 3500gp, amethyst/platinum and citrine/electrum
Bronze statue of a nude elf maiden- life size- 3500gp
Collection of drinking vessels, all of which are made of copper and adorned with a draconic motif. Almost all are human sized. More than a hundred. Total value as a collection- 2500gp
Golden sextant- very advanced tech, not magic- adv on survival checks against being lost- ?gp
Pile of skulls off in a corner, big pile- not particularly valuable, clearly a trophy collection
Magic stuff
6ft diameter black silk circle
Platinum statuette of a horse
Ebony Rod
Spice cabinet
6 pack of potions- all the same
Massive tusk
A pommel stone
A crystal cube containing a skull with gems for eyes and teeth
Dragon Loot!
Dragon Loot!
kyle wrote:The party then goes full retard