Erik’s Notes

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Erik’s Notes

Post by Dave »

Erik’s Notes

Fresh journal only covering his time on Chargammon’s island. Says they found J-DZZL bound with chains and muzzled. When J was told about the death of his sire, he went quiet.

Says that Havelyn took the muzzle off to question him, and J answered him by spewing acid at him. Havelyn then killed J.

Mentions securing and transporting Chargammon’s hoard right away. It’s long gone.

No direct mention of why they were still there or what they were looking for. Refers to “The Work” several times.

Expresses frustration with using Communes and Contact Other Planes to find what they were looking for. Says it is like having the keys to the kingdom, but not knowing where the lock is.” Also says something about Chargammon probably having some kind of Nondetection magic on himself.

Says that Quintas used Speak With Dead on J-Dzzl’s corpse to no avail.

Mentions Chuck Masser doing a very thorough search of the lair and finding no secret rooms of any kind.

A deep Detect Magic scan was performed, and there are notes about how difficult it was due to the variety of permanent spells that Chargammon had in place. The scan was not helpful.

He postulates that C would have created “The Work” here in his lair because of his paranoia.

The last note is from that morning. He wrote that he had an idea, but needed to prepare a spell first. There is no mention of what spell it was.
kyle wrote:The party then goes full retard
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Re: Erik’s Notes

Post by rgl2112 »

By Karamaka's Will
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