Death Saves and Exhaustion

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Death Saves and Exhaustion

Post by Dave »

After some research, gonna revisit how we did the exhaustion thing when reduced to zero or fewer hits during the last game.
Propsed Rule wrote:When you initially go down, you automatically gain a level of exhaustion.

For every blown death save, you gain a level of exhaustion.

When you stabilize, you stop gaining exhaustion levels.
Specific example:

A party member gets a sword whack upside the head that drops him down to zero or below (left over damage past zero does not exceed max hit points). He immediately gains a level of exhaustion.

He makes his first death save, then blows the next two in a row. He gains an additional exhaustion level for each of those saves blown.

The party member makes his last two saves, and he is stable.

When he returns to conciousness (party stuffs a Cure pot down his throat), he has three levels of exhaustion.

We can certainly discuss this. I think zeroing out of hit points should have some kind of impact. As it is right now, you can be bleeding out, stabilize, get fed a Cure 1 pot or spell, and be back up as if nothing happened. Seems pretty weak sauce me. Death or dying should be something to be feared (beyond the boredom of doing nothing but rolling death saves during your turn).

Spare the Dying doesnt remove any exhaustion levels gained before it is cast, but if cast before the first save is made, no additional levels will be gained.

Revivify will not remove any exhaustion levels.

The normal penalties given by Raise Dead and Resurrection apply instead of any exhaustion levels. In these cases, all exhaustion levels are removed when the person in brought back to life.

True Resurrection brings you back with no exhaustion levels.

So lets talk about removing exhaustion: Lesser Restoration can now remove a level of exhaustion, Greater Restoration removes them all. That is a change from RAW for each spell (Lesser removes none, Greater one). Please note the material costs on Lesser and Greater Restorations.

A full rest removes a level of exhaustion provided you have adequate food and drink, per PH.

What do you guys think about being able to remove an exhaustion level during a short rest, but you can’t spend HD to regain HP?
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Re: Death Saves and Exhaustion

Post by rgl2112 »

I’m fine with all of this down to the end.

I think a short rest should remain just HD rolls, and no level of exhaustion regained from an hour break. The only way to get rid of exhaustion will be a long rest or Restoration spells.

However, I think a Long Rest should get rid of up to two, perhaps three levels, perhaps it can be dependent on the type of rest, but I don’t want to get too “into the weeds” on types of rest benefits like a nice hotel versus a hay loft. Both are currently designed to be the same “Long Rest” and I’d rather that stay the same. So maybe a set amount of Exhaustion (greater than just one) can be agreed upon for a LR.
By Karamaka's Will
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Re: Death Saves and Exhaustion

Post by Dave »

So kinda like how different types of inn rooms in Baldurs Gate give different amounts of hit points back?

Might be too much in the weeds.
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Re: Death Saves and Exhaustion

Post by DalamarD »

I'm good with all of that. I don't see any component cost for lesser restoration though, only greater.

Also, what are your thoughts on lay on hands removing exhaustion? As it is now, 5hp worth of LoH healing can remove a poison or disease in lieu of the healing. Is this something reasonable for exhaustion levels as well? It seems to fit in line with the effects of lesser restoration.
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Re: Death Saves and Exhaustion

Post by Dave »

Yeah, was looking at a bunch of stuff at the same time on component costs...

Kinda having second thoughts on Lesser removing any exhaustion. This might be a good cigar chat.

Right after the one on Portent/Lucky/Halfling Luck...
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Re: Death Saves and Exhaustion

Post by rgl2112 »

Dave wrote: Mon Jan 22, 2018 2:45 pm Right after the one on Portent/Lucky/Halfling Luck...
No. We’re not discussing that...
By Karamaka's Will
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Re: Death Saves and Exhaustion

Post by Kyle »

I agree with stefan.
Jack Hollingsworth
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Re: Death Saves and Exhaustion

Post by Jack Hollingsworth »

<t>The real problem here is that it is too difficult to get rid of exhaustion. If you're looking for realism, why not have the last thing that knocked you over the edge be limited in some way? {q.v. the sword blow to the head?-mental abilities affected until a long rest}. A long rest only gets you back one level anyway, and I am never sanguine about discarding or bypassing RAW.<br/>
No where in this forum do I see where you explicitly stated "hey you guys this is hitting you next time you get into combat". The surprise that the players felt last session evidences this. Pretor won't act any differently, but he is down to his last 7 HP and staring that 2nd Exhaustion in the face. I recall Napoleon getting totally wasted when I was DMing and I laid a level of exhaustion on him to simulate hangover, which I retconned after your strident objection. <br/>
Perhaps it looks like Exhaustion rules are the new Level Drain. You do a great job as DM; what I admire most is that you don't edit yourself, and I have learned a lot.

best wishes, Jack
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Re: Death Saves and Exhaustion

Post by Dave »

Implementing the rule was discussed during cigar time a few sessions ago.

Not looking for realism, but for going down to have some kind of sting. 5e is waaaay easy on death and dying. To the point where its almost a non-issue.

Exhaustion isn't hard to get rid of. Lay on Hands does it for 5 points worth per level of exhaustion. Lesser Restoration gets rid of a level. I am still down with a short rest getting rid of a level.

This rule is in effect, as detailed in the first post.
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Re: Death Saves and Exhaustion

Post by Dave »

Came across an idea in Reddit that sounds kinda neat.

Instead of going unconscious when hitting zero hits a PC can still talk, but can take no other action. The PC would be incapacitated. When the PC rolls his second death save, he becomes unconscious.

I think it could add to some fun RP moments.

What do you guys think?
kyle wrote:The party then goes full retard
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