Character Ideas

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Character Ideas

Post by Dave »

Thought I would post up what I was thinking about building for my PC.

Culmodee- Elf Physical Adept
Tir Na Nog

Culmodee was born and raised in the countryside near Galway. Raised by a single mom (Irisandee). Dad killed in vehicle incident when he was a child. His extended family made sure that he and his sister were well cared for. His was a happy youth despite the tragedy.

An uncle (Gyareemor), who Culmodee thinks must have been a member of the Tir Ghosts, taught him about the ways of the physical adept and the basics of his fighting skills.

About a year ago, his sister (Anyadee) disappeared. Extended family suspected foul play. About 6 months ago, one of mother’s cousins (Myldandiar- Consigliere contact) came to visit from Tir Tairngrie. Said that he had reason to believe Anyadee may have been taken to Seattle. Culmodee, being of age, asked to be taken to Seattle to try and find her and return her home.

He has a big problem with anyone who fetishizes his people. He is a proud elf, maybe a little standoffish to most. He despises elf posers, and anyone who he sees as appropriating elven culture. Most disgusting to him are non-elves who keep elven lovers. He will concede that in some cases such a relationship could be consensual, but only as a passing fling on the part of the elf involved.

He doesn’t think very highly of the elves who have seemingly embraced a place in pop culture. These are sell-outs of the worst kind. He thinks that most are probably forced into such roles by the entertainment corps. The ones that aren’t, they are the new Uncle Toms.

While not a full blown separatist, he believes that it would be better for all the metatypes of the world if the elves were just left alone for the most part. Yes, of course there should be some interaction between the races, let’s just not go overboard. He also believes that the elves that came about after the Awakening are in fact descendants of the elves that walked the earth millennia ago.
kyle wrote:The party then goes full retard
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Re: Character Ideas

Post by Kyle »

We will be in Seattle. And the outskirts eventually.
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Re: Character Ideas

Post by rgl2112 »

A descendant from the small Seminole tribe in Northern Florida, Klade Windwalker grew up learning the ways of the awakened from his Uncle Padron. After his uncle succumbed to his drinking and gambling addiction, he was killed by the mafia of the Caribbean League due to owed debts. Klade assumed a new identity and worked his way into the mafia as a for hire gun/spellslinger, doing odd jobs and earning trust.

After gaining enough trust with the Caribbean League, they sent him to Seattle after hearing rumors circulating that the CAS had operatives in the area working with the Seattle based corps to move against them. He is using this position for his own benefit, taking odd jobs but also feeding info back through his mafia contacts, building up his own resources to one day go back to Miami and take out the local leadership of the mafia.
By Karamaka's Will
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Re: Character Ideas

Post by Kyle »

Just remember if you focus on magic, you need to learn the rules. Keep the ideas flowin
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Re: Character Ideas

Post by DalamarD »

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