The Passing of Chargammon the Black

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The Passing of Chargammon the Black

Post by Dave »

Chargammon the Black made no noise as he descended down to his target. He had been looking forward to this for it had been a while since he made the Lake States tremble. He thought they needed a reminder of why he was to be feared. Was he not the Dreadwyrm? The Lake States should never forget that name.

Private Hawkins was trying his best to remain calm. He answered Markadian’s call to arms, and left his family in Ianstown to serve. He was a little ashamed to admit to himself that he was relieved that he was assigned garrison duty at the Adarium. He understood duty, but wished he could be back at the family shop. No one knew what was going on, but judging by the number of paladins and soldiers that entered the palace, it was big. He was the first to see how big it was getting when he looked up and saw the moon disappear.

Chargammon struck the roof of the Adarium, shattering its great timbers and arches. He formally announced his presence by roaring to the skies, then bathed the top of the palace in acid. He quickly exposed his prey and laughed to himself when he saw her cower behind her lone bodyguard.

Hawkins had never thought in his life that he would see a dragon, much less one perched on top of the Adarium. Now that he had, he wished that he could unsee it. Like his comrades around him, he was struck with fear. It wasn’t until a Knight of the Realm ran to his squad and commanded them to loose their bolts did him come out of his fear induced daze.

Chargammon sneered at the body guard and said, “So paladin, you wish to die facing a legend?” To which Sir Thomas Havelyn grimly responded, “No, but by the glory of Avenar I mean to slay one.” Sir Thomas leapt at the dragon and struck a grievous blow. The Elder Worm returned the favor with his teeth and claws before buffeting the exposed chamber with his wings, sending Havelyn and Belinda across the floor in a pile.

Hawkins and his comrades loosed bolt after bolt at the Dreadwyrm. He wasn’t sure if any even found its mark, but still he loaded and reloaded as fast as he could. His fear was gone and was replaced with resolve. This beast must die! Their efforts would not be in vain! And then, the sky erupted.

Chargammon sensed his victory was close at hand. As he reared back to deliver another blast of his acid on the prone forms of the paladin and the princess, he caught a familiar smell. The shock of what he learned gave him pause. The princess! She was not as she appeared to be. She was no frail human girl. Killing her would be sweet revenge against one who had been a thorn in his side for a long time. “Your mother hid you well, child. But not well enough.” Belinda glared, and brought the heavens down upon him.

Hawkins and his companions stood in awe as a rain of fiery meteors came down upon the dragon. The flaming stones crashed into the top of the Adarium, sending shrapnel throughout the compound. He and his comrades ran for cover. The dragon bellowed in pain. Whatever did that to such a fearsome creature he could only guess. He certainly did not want to see what it was.

Sir Richard Havelyn, last of his name, stood up even though his body was broken. He charged the mortally wounded beast knowing that it might be his last act of service. As he leapt at the dragon, its tail whipped around and found its target. But it was not enough to stop him. He buried his sword deep into the dragons chest, and unleashed the full Vengeance of Avenar upon him.

The dragon’s final roar caused Hawkins to tremble. He looked up and saw its great form collapse on top of the Adarium. “Blessed be Avenar, the Merciful. Thank you, Shining Lord, for the deliverance of your humble servant in this, the hour of his greatest need.”

Belinda rushed to the fallen body of her defender. With tears in her eyes she said,, “No my love, this will not be your end. I still need you. We still need you.” With a word, they both disappeared.
kyle wrote:The party then goes full retard
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