We find ourselves on an unmoving lift stuck between floors, far from the bottom of the mine shaft. Valak pulls the nearby crank in an attempt to get the lift to descend, but all it does is release the wheel moving the tracks on the lift. We soon see kobolds coming up from the shaft below us, and resolve to disintegrate our way through before they can enact one or more dastardly traps. Instead, Picket acid splashes one of the chains attached to the lift, and Amadeus does the same. The chain abruptly gives way, and the platform swings down, now parallel to the walls of the shaft. This dislodges the kobolds under the platform as we feather fall down. While we descend, we lob spells at nearby kobolds and they shoot at us with flaming arrows from alcoves in the shaft. Valak casts darkness on the group to impede the enemy attacks. We continue falling as kobolds blindly attack the darkness. After one minute, just as the feather fall is about to wear off, we land at the bottom of the mine shaft in a pile of junk and rubble. We find ourselves in a large cavern, and we follow Pretor away from underneath the shaft opening. After a few seconds, Amadeus’s wall of force dissipates, and a huge pile of debris falls down the shaft with a thunderous boom. As we collect ourselves and move farther into the cavern, we suddenly notice hundreds of glowing red eyes above us on the ceiling. As we begin to attack them with ranged spells, Valak notices that they seem to have wings. Soon, they swoop down from above to engage us in melee. We mow down flying vermin left and right, but more are always in front of us. Some of them start dropping smoking pots in the room.
Pretor hears one of the flying kobolds yell about "dropping the big one." so he opens a portal that teleports the party 120 ft farther into the cavern. We proceed on and see a large cavern with some debris in the center, as if large mining machines had fallen apart or been destroyed. As the flying kobolds continue to follow us, they still throw the smoke pots towards us. As we explore this chamber further, umber hulks suddenly burst forth from under the ground. It seems the smoke bombs were really just used as sonic homing devices to lure the umber hulks to our location. The spellcasting members of the Forsaken begin to fly around the cavern, raining death upon the umber hulks. Valak scrambles up one of the piles of debris and engages some of the remaining hulks in melee. We eventually defeat the umber hulks, and proceed to move further in the cave. We search out the nearby junk piles, and find a cryptic note. We move further into the cavern and decide to rest after taking stock of our injuries and remaining arcane firepower. Pretor resolves to cast Leomund's tiny hut, and we rest inside as the kobolds throw small and large bombs against the hut. More umber hulks appear, battering the hut, and one or more purple worms show up as well. We finish our long rest without incident, though the battering continues unabated throughout. As the hut dissipates, we fly out of the top and escape the smoke. Soon, another group of flying kobolds accosts us, and we retreat down the cavern while lobbing spells at them. We debate the merits of teleporting out of here to regroup and approach from a different avenue next time.