Your hacker finds the following information. He finds the complete business financials, security company contract, information on surrounding buildings, lonestar history with the facilities , and information on the biker gang.
Here is that info in no set order.
The biker gang is running btl's and low level drugs for the Halloweeners, they are wannabe bad asses that cant really hang with the big dogs. They mainly use intimidation as the weapon of choice. Meetups happen daily at one of 6 locations to discuss the upcoming nights runs. Lonestar has data on most of them they are pissants. So no gang task force takes them seriously.
The surrounding buildings are mostly shipping and receiving businesses for other random business types, car parts, prefab housing etc. They all have basic security systems and are easily hackable.
You are given direct access to the stuffer shack and external cameras to all the buildings surrounding for a period until the ops over. The main facilities are a bit different. He is able to access the external feeds but nothing internal. He does say the ice of this system is pretty good, and he does have to hide his tracks well.
More to come on security and financials.
Feb 29- March 12 - In Game research
Re: Feb 29- March 12 - In Game research
Building security contract has been with the same company for over 20 years. Its a subsidiary of knight arrent. Within the last month they recieved a contract mod for higher digital security, secure internal feeds to an offsite facility, battery backups etc. They also paid for a silent alarm to lonestar with guaranteed 15 min armed response. This is atypical for a company such as this.
The companies financials are well kept and they have steadily grown in sales since inception. They are privately owned, 3rd generation, middle class people. They recently took on a sealed contract with Renraku corp directly, not through a subsidiary, for supply of very high end chem/bio/hazmat protection gear and containment materials. This is probably why the increased security. Not all details of this are avaialble but its some high tech gear. Crates are sealed and secured and never opened from factory to delivery. All digitally tracked and controlled shipments. This is megacorp tac team level shit.
Questions allowed.
More to follow about local facility setup.
The companies financials are well kept and they have steadily grown in sales since inception. They are privately owned, 3rd generation, middle class people. They recently took on a sealed contract with Renraku corp directly, not through a subsidiary, for supply of very high end chem/bio/hazmat protection gear and containment materials. This is probably why the increased security. Not all details of this are avaialble but its some high tech gear. Crates are sealed and secured and never opened from factory to delivery. All digitally tracked and controlled shipments. This is megacorp tac team level shit.
Questions allowed.
More to follow about local facility setup.
Re: Feb 29- March 12 - In Game research
You are given the external camera map for the facility, i will update the blue map tomorrow for you. Extremely good coverage. Sensors on the gate and subterranean sensors throughout exterior. No magic defenses seem to be in play from what he can find. Sensors in the guard shack give quite a bit of info. Sound sensors are on all cameras found, so you can watch and listen. Remote access along with automation means the camera if moved remotely by you would not stand out.
The gate while mainly chainlink and what you thought were concrete reinforced bollards are actually durasteel, they wont giveway. Also there is a popup bollard system at the gate, triggered by a push button, this is hackable. Otherwise its an automatic open chainlink gate.
Digital sensors of grade 6 are throughout the roof area so drones will probably be detected along with any roof based physical access. The external sensors alarm to the outside gate guard shack and offsite.
He can block the external alarms for a window of time, approx 30 mins give or take before hes found. Internal unknown.
Internally he cant access anything. High level black ice prevents intrusion into that system, it appears to have been upgraded in the last 2 weeks or so. No workers were ever seen during the casing activity so it was covertly done. Its obvious Renraku tech. He could break in but would almost certainly be detected. It does not appear to feed to the guard shack.
During the day with garage doors open you can piece together what the inside main room layout is, mainly boxes, shipping materials, etc.
They have 2 forklifts and 4 electronic pallet jack type machines that you can see. Externally there happens to be a scissor lift onsite.
Sensors are on each external door, surprisingly they are tied to the external systems only from what he can tell. Internal doors he has no information of.
There are no records of major building modifications since the schematic you have.
There is one purchase of a new security cage, probably to store the crates mentioned above before shipping them out. Assume thats inside. Its approx 20x20x20. With a complex electronic lock and physical lock like a padlock type to secure it.
Someone trusts this company with this business.
The gate while mainly chainlink and what you thought were concrete reinforced bollards are actually durasteel, they wont giveway. Also there is a popup bollard system at the gate, triggered by a push button, this is hackable. Otherwise its an automatic open chainlink gate.
Digital sensors of grade 6 are throughout the roof area so drones will probably be detected along with any roof based physical access. The external sensors alarm to the outside gate guard shack and offsite.
He can block the external alarms for a window of time, approx 30 mins give or take before hes found. Internal unknown.
Internally he cant access anything. High level black ice prevents intrusion into that system, it appears to have been upgraded in the last 2 weeks or so. No workers were ever seen during the casing activity so it was covertly done. Its obvious Renraku tech. He could break in but would almost certainly be detected. It does not appear to feed to the guard shack.
During the day with garage doors open you can piece together what the inside main room layout is, mainly boxes, shipping materials, etc.
They have 2 forklifts and 4 electronic pallet jack type machines that you can see. Externally there happens to be a scissor lift onsite.
Sensors are on each external door, surprisingly they are tied to the external systems only from what he can tell. Internal doors he has no information of.
There are no records of major building modifications since the schematic you have.
There is one purchase of a new security cage, probably to store the crates mentioned above before shipping them out. Assume thats inside. Its approx 20x20x20. With a complex electronic lock and physical lock like a padlock type to secure it.
Someone trusts this company with this business.
Re: Feb 29- March 12 - In Game research
He will be on call night of for hacking activities and any access he can get without being caught. He will be on your freq.
In fact he provides an encryption code much higher then your normal coms. Key expires a few days after the op. So from this point on your comms are really secure.
He also erases all photo or video evidence of your casing actions.
You haven't been there.
In fact he provides an encryption code much higher then your normal coms. Key expires a few days after the op. So from this point on your comms are really secure.
He also erases all photo or video evidence of your casing actions.
You haven't been there.