Session 8-3 Whats next?

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Session 8-3 Whats next?

Post by Kyle »

You have suits and masks. What do you do next?
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Re: Session 8-3 Whats next?

Post by Kyle »

You now are making quite a bit of money. Be careful, you spend wildly you will show up on peoples radars. This is a great time to plus up sins and licenses. You definately got some heat from the Renraku corp.

You have 2 military grade armored mopp suits, and 4 equally amazing masks. A word of warning when researching or selling, this will bring attention in some form.

The 3x3x3 machine? You have no real point of reference to guess what it is, medical? Weapon? Be specific on how you want to handle this device.

Do you want to get a lair? Somewhere to store things and your vehicles? Shared cost I can work up options.

You hang out for 7 full days.

Do you want a new run? Options on runs? Remember not all ops are guns out, you have options.

Do you want to bond as a team? Do you want to spend time apart?

Do you want to upgrade that crypto and your links?

At the 1st of the month your lifestyle payments due. If you dont pay by the 5th you are evicted and you identity flagged to lonestar for non payment. Unless you worked out more clandestine housing.
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Re: Session 8-3 Whats next?

Post by Dave »

Last night felt like a good place to take a pause and get back to finishing the current leg of the D&D game too.

If we do that, I would suggest that we spend karma and cash while all of the Shadowrun stuff is still fresh.

I don't mind doing another run. What I would like to avoid is multiple sessions doing background stuff. I much prefer an action heavy game, with a light RP dusting as the usual. The occasional hanging out RP thing is cool once in a while, as long as it doesn't draw things out.

On the topic of spending karma and cash: are we still restricted to level 3 availabilities, with 4s needing approval, and above that being out? I sure would like a qi and a weapon focus...
kyle wrote:The party then goes full retard
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Re: Session 8-3 Whats next?

Post by Dave »

I suggest we do a few things if we are going to keep playing Shadowrun, in no real particular order:

Find Esoteric- I wouldn’t think that would be but so hard because of his celebrity. He might not know what’s really going on, but he was on this path before we were. We still have Dane’s contact info I think. Maybe he can help out. Shit, he probably has some kind of matrix presence. Where does his show film?

Figure out what the 3ft machine is all about- I got a feeling that this is what we were sent by Esoteric to get. Someone is going to miss it. Eventually they are going to come looking for it. I would think that Esoteric could give us at least a vague notion of what its purpose is, or who made it.

Deal with the high end hazmat gear- If we keep it, we better find a more secure place for it. The previous owners will probably want it back too. If we are going to sell it, we need to find an appropriate fence. Maybe a mafia contact, or another corp? Dane might be the man here too.

The 3ft machine and gear were probably going to the same place. Is there any shipping info on the crates or cases? Any markings that Slate’s decker contact can work with?

Start sticking together more- The sensors inside the warehouse were all still feeding somewhere, right? That means the previous owner of the 3ft box and hazmat gear probably has some kind of idea of who nabbed their shit. Its easier to watch each other’s backs if we are hanging together.
kyle wrote:The party then goes full retard
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Re: Session 8-3 Whats next?

Post by Kyle »

Lvl 4s are mostly available. Explosives are one limitation currently.

If you wish to ask around about the box or suits let me know for sure.

You are able to track down Esoteric, well you know where he is going. Montreal. He will be back mid April. You can send me any messages you want via thr matrix.

Let me know if you all want anything non book.
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Re: Session 8-3 Whats next?

Post by Kyle »

Final call on major character and drone mods.

We will have some options on way ahead tomorrow, and mission options.
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Re: Session 8-3 Whats next?

Post by Kyle »

Mission options: some have fees or payments after.

Data exfil run- escort decker into corp facility to exfil data on hazmat suits and planed use for them

Snatch grab- steal dampening tech you have learned about to try and hide the 3x3 box

Info gathering- break into corp facility to find info on 3x3

Go into dark zone- unsure why but you want to see whats up, news has been to quiet for something so major

Try and activate the 3x3- you sure about that?

Without paid research you learn the use of the hazmat suits are for biological enviroments, unknown contact with materials. But thats really it, they are very rare.

The 3x3. You can find no matching items described everywhere. Active searching will require cost and be traceable possibly as a warning from your decker pal.

Any other contacts you want to question/involve let me know.
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Re: Session 8-3 Whats next?

Post by Kyle »

Sorry for the issues tonight. The numbers were 1, 8, 9, 4 is most warn.

Your plans working well. Its been approx 15 mins since stripper girl entered building. 10 or so mins for slade. You will be expected to leave soon.

Dave learns the guys in the room are working some special project, randomly they take off the headsets and want more intimate time but its rare. She tells her life story, shes not to endowed in the smarts dept. She tells you once someone tried to break in, a armed team came through and threw them to the ground, they had these portable face scanners and searched her... everywhere before she could leave. She felt violated.

Dave what questions do you ask.

Jack, at some point someone's going to notice the drone just circling you may want to come up with a strategy for that or altering the routes. Also your armed drone figure out how you want that positioned. Because a drone with a giant gun attacts eyes.
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