D20 Modern Conversion

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D20 Modern Conversion

Post by Kyle »

House Rules on Conversion

Levels will be level 5.

Action Points - https://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/adve ... Points.htm

Remember a big focus of this game will still be skills, stats, research, and contacts. Focus on those areas also.

NO RACIAL NEGATIVES- like -1 skills, speed, etc.

Trauma Patches- Negligible weight, brings downed characters (not above -10) to 1hp. Shock to system makes you conscious, and you are -2 to ALL rolls until real healing (Dr. treatment or time), not chemically healing.

Contacts- Keep your contacts, we will convert the rankings though to an easier to use format like a + table.

Progress Level- PL is 6 for the most part. Some 5, some 7. Its high end 6 for the most part.

Drones- All Mechs are banned, along with space ships. Custom specs for Drones and Shadowrun equiv's will need to be created, but Robotjox or MechWarrior, we are not going there. A cargo loader like in Aliens though, that's probably a thing.

Tech- Almost all the same genetic/Bioware and tech should be achievable. It may mean stat or skill boosts. If there is a D20 equiv convert directly. If something doesn't exist make a list and we will figure it out.

Classes- while there are quite a few, I have no problem making custom ones - to a point. Use the others as a template for progression, and mix and match skills or progression trees would make things easier.

Stats- Start with Base 8.
  • Strength = Strength
    Body = Con
    Agility + Reaction /2 = Dex
    Willpower + Intuition /2 = Wis
    Logic = Intel
    Charisma = Charisma
Add loyalty and connection score /2 = the '+' amount.
Ie 1 and 1= +2 bonus
Denote if contacts are family for special bonuses in game.

Can be Int, Wis, or Cha based.

Edge- in works still
Edge and extra actions turn into a 1:1 plus to your AP total.

Sins and licenses-
Treat each level of sin or license as a +2 bonus. So if you have no sin its a +0 bonus.

Minimum SIN level to pass a basic police check automatically is level 2.
Item licenses need to be denoted if required or No.
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Re: D20 Modern Conversion

Post by Dave »

Any thoughts on Magic stat and Edge will convert?

Maybe Magic could somehow add to either Int or Wis, whichever is appropriate for the conversion? Pretty sure this would only impact Russ and me. My vote is yes because a Fast Hero Battle Mind is probably the most accurate port for Culmodee. I suggest 1:1 because these points were bought just like every other attribute point.

And It looks to me like Action Points feel like Edge.

http://www.d20resources.com/modern.d20. ... points.php

Bonus action points could throw game balance out of whack when dealing with book standard opponents, so a 1:1 Edge:BAP might jack things up.

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Re: D20 Modern Conversion

Post by Dave »

Other things that need figuring out:

Some things don't make the translation from SR6 to Mod at all because there is no Mod equivalent. Like Ambidexterity and other qualities.

Skill point "purchasing" is a completely different mechanic. If a player went high on skills during creation, they wind up taking a beating in the conversion if their Logic is relatively low.

On a related note- Shadowkind characters get one less skill point/level from their classes. Another beating.

Randomish, but useful: https://www.enworld.org/threads/d20-modern-faq.36069/

Addresses the missing Ambidexterity (FAQ #5).

More to come...
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Re: D20 Modern Conversion

Post by Dave »

A few of the easier things that came up last night-

Concerning implants- per rules there looks like a cap of 2 implants per PC, with additional ones causing negative levels (!). I think this will have a dramatic impact on Jon and Steph’s PCs. There also doesn’t appear to be much crossover in like implants between systems.

Pretty sure most of us have helmets with all kinds of fancy vision and hearing accessories on them. There is zero crossover gear in Mod that resembles this kind of SR stuff. This one seems easy-microphone accessories would add a bonus to Listen checks depending on how fancy they are. Vision accessories would add to Spot or Search depending on the accessory. Gas masks can add to saving throws vs gas type attacks. I will look at it a little closer tonight, and make some real suggestions.

Goggles and earbuds are like helmets in that there is no equivalent that would be handled the same.

Smart guns are non-existent in Mod. Closest thing I found to the basic (non-smart gun version) of an Ares Predator VI is the Falcon 45. It might be the only non-machine gun pistol that has auto fire. I would suggest dropping the autofire (which the Ares does not have) and switching it to a burst fire (which it does have) per the Burst Fire feat from the Mod rule set. Now that feat has some hefty prerequisites http://www.d20resources.com/modern.d20. ... t.fire.php so that should be considered. Our Ares/Falcons would be doing 4d6 in burst mode, for 4 rounds before needing a reload with a -4 to hit.

There are laser scopes and suppressors in the game, but thats about it.
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Re: D20 Modern Conversion

Post by Dave »

Going through Cul's gear, and came up with the below suggestions for the stuff he has. If memory serves, like bonuses do not stack in d20. Circumstance bonuses only apply if the circumstance exists.

ear buds
Audio Enhancement- Equipment Bonus to Listen +2
Select Sound Filter- Circumstance bonus to Listen +2

Directional Mic- Removes distance penalty for listen checks to 320ft

Flare compensation- Circumstance bonus to some vision based saves +1
Vision Enhancement- Equipment Bonus to spot +2
Vision Magnification- Increases range increment for projectile weapons SR gave similar

Gas mask- same as book, duration 1 hour
Thermographic vision- Heat based darkvision 120ft
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Re: D20 Modern Conversion

Post by Dave »

Because adding to existing posts is lame...

What's the deal with Positive and Negative Qualities?

Not seeing a lot of parallels in Mod.
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Re: D20 Modern Conversion

Post by Kyle »

We need all characters in FG by next week. We cant do the offline play anymore.
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