Your heat level right now is very high. The scale does not migrate properly to dnd.
We will make heat a 1-100 Scale.
A few things will help reduce this.
1. Time - For every week you stay off the grid, I mean really off the grid
2. Bribes - For each 1000 nuyen you spend- must denote who you bribe
3. Active hacking/misinformation - Your decker will assist at a reduced rate of 500 per point
4. Leave the city/area - you jump town, cost for transport and living while away
5. Blame others- conduct an active mission to implicate others in your activities. Cover all your bases!
Time - 1 week off grid - max of 15 points.
Bribes - 1000 per bribe, must name who you bribe - max of 20 points.
Active hacking/misinformation - max of 30 points - takes time
Leaving city/area - 10 points for 2 weeks outside area
Blame others - 25 point max based on mission outcome
Right now you are at about 70 points. Specifically with Renraku.
Reducing heat
Re: Reducing heat
Blow up one koi pond, and 70 heat…
kyle wrote:The party then goes full retard